Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What are you thankful for?

So this week I've been working on my writing and I haven't done much in the way of anything else. Thus, let's have a simple conversation this week. What are you thankful for?

For me, I'm thankful for the wonderful people I've met with on the internet. Although I could walk past them and never know they were there (as I have never seen their faces), I appreciate the kindness they have shown me as well as the friendship we have built. I'm also thankful for the wonderful inspiration everyone is given me, which has produced a story that I will be putting on my blog this coming year. The web series will be about 1-2 short chapters a month and (on occassion) a comic. This series will by my way of spoofing common Korean drama stereotypes and I hope my viewers will enjoy it. Should I give you a synopsis?

"Kat, an American girl, has a unique obsession with Korean super idol Park Min Ho. Incidentally, she wins an all expense trip to Korea for a chance to go to Min Ho's concert. In a series of unfortunate events, Kat ends up stranded in Korea and stays at a dorm room that pretty boy Micheal's (Kim Min Goo) family owned. With awkward incidents at every turn, Kat's journey has just begun."

So, now that I answered the question, why don't you answer? What are you thankful for?

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