Monday, June 20, 2011

That Fool

Rating: *****

Genre: Romance, Comedy
Episodes: 16
Cast: Hwang Jung Min, Joo Sang Wook, Kim Ah Joong, Lee Chung Ah, Lee Soo Young

"A story about a postman, Goo Dong Baek (Hwang Jung Min) and a top actress, Han Ji Soo (Kim Ah Joong) where their relationship begins because of a marriage contract for 6 months"

There are many different types of dramas; there are dramas that start off hilarious and end in misery, there are the dramas that never really get off the ground, and then there are the dramas that are the whole way through.  However, the one kind of drama I like the most is the kind that is amusing even in the worst possible situations without ruining the realistic side of the story.  That is the kind of drama "That Fool" is.

When I first tried to watch this drama, I couldn't get through the first episode.  I think that the first episode was the drama's only real kryptonite.  After all, dramas without a good beginning tend to be unnoticed.  However, when I went back to watching it after almost a year of putting it on the back burner, I found myself strangely addicted to this cliche drama.

Let's be honest here and just say that this kind of drama is not a new idea.  In fact, contract marriages or relationships are one of the most common romantic comedy dramas that I've seen.  However, this particular drama did a wonderful job.  There's no hidden meaning behind the script that tries to tell the audience what to believe.  It's just simple and enjoyable.

The only thing I have to really pick on, though, is the secondary male character.  The male rival was not a round character.  Much like the "good vs. evil" mentality, the writer didn't think to include anything that would suggest that he had real feelings.  He had no struggle whatsoever.  Although the writing was good enough to make me want to hate the character, I found it bothersome that they didn't really develop the secondary characters.

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