Monday, November 14, 2011


Rating: *****

Genre: Historical, Period Drama
Episodes: 81
Cast: Kim Seung Soo, Han Hye Jin, Hu Joon Ho, Song Il Gook, Song Ji Hyo

"Meet a hero bigger than the myth.Alexander, Genghis Khan, we have the hero who overwhelmed his generation and changed history, Jumong! Up to now we have been used to dramas dealing with the history of kings and knights but now we are about to challenge in creating a drama with the birth of a true hero. A name only remembered as a myth. Get ready to meet Jumong, the hero who opened up the skies of the Old Joseon, which was once ours, by fighting thousands and thousands of armies.Meet the love even bigger than the history.‘Love’ seems to be the one common denominator across people of all generations and nations. ‘Love’ gets swept away with the waves of time and also gets hurt with biased views in societies, but it also creates a new kind of history by wrestling against adversity and the trials of time. True love, which is uncommonly seen in history, is re-drawn through the drama of our once forgotten history.Through the wisdom and courage of Korea’s first queen So Seo-no..."

Completely addicting.  I mean, wow!  What could I possibly say about this drama?  Action, adventure, comedy, history, and myth are all fused into one amazing story.  Now, I cannot say (without a doubt) that there were no mistakes.  As I've said many times before, a long drama is like a marathon.  However, this drama won in the end.

I think the only problem with this drama is that there is a monopoly on it.  I couldn't find many episodes on any site other than crunchyroll.  Also, whoever did the subtitles (I think it was WITH S2) did not do a great job in QCing them.  There were times when you couldn't read the subtitles because they disappeared too fast, and Mr. Unavoidable continued to show up.  I think you will understand what I mean if you watch it, but don't worry if you have no idea what I'm talking about. 

As far as the storyline is concerned, my favorite couple was the slash couple.  Everytime I saw Bae Su-bin I started cracking up.  Bae Su-bin, saranghae~!  Daisuki~!  Wo ai ni~!  I've seen the actor before, and I'm still a big fan.  He definitely made Sa Yong my favorite character in the whole series.  Sorry, Song Il Gook.  Jumong may be the main character, but I still like Sa Yong better for some reason.

What did you think of this drama? Comment below!

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